These studies track peoples experience of corruption in their countries and reveal regional trends. The 2015 uv index meeting in melbourne, australia, supported many of the conclusions of the 20 meeting in germany. As in previous years, the top 19 places are taken by industrialised nations. The global gender gap index featured in the 2015 report ranks over 140 economies according to how well they are leveraging their female talent pool, based on economic, educational, healthbased and political indicators. Land index h1 2015 data digest the knight frank global house price index established in 2006 allows investors and developers to monitor and compare the performance of mainstream residential markets around the world. The gci is a broadbased measure for advanced economic growth and sustainable prosperity based on the 3ts of economic development talent, technology, and tolerance. Wjp open government index 2015 world justice project. The international migration report 2015, prepared by the population division of the department of economic and social affairs of the united nations secretariat, presents information on. The global energy architecture performance index 2015. Hepatitis a vaccine is used in only a few countries. Isg index john keppel partner and president esteban herrera partner stanton jones. The top 10 companies in the global empathy index 2015 increased in value more than twice as much as the bottom 10 and generated 50% more earnings. Global rankings table data global agewatch index 2015. The docs says that a global index can be partitioned by the range or hash method, and it can be defined on any type of partitioned, or nonpartitioned, table.
Global competitiveness report 20142015 world economic forum. Providing 80 detailed metrics for 129 economies in 2019, the gii has become one of the leading references for measuring an economys innovation performance. Global innovation index coeditor soumitra dutta cornell university on learning from top performers and narrowing the innovation divide. The global agewatch index 2015 presents a unique snapshot of the situation of older people in 96 countries of the world today. Moving into its 12th edition in 2019, the gii has evolved into a valuable benchmarking tool that can facilitate publicprivate dialogue and where policymakers, business leaders, and other stakeholders can evaluate innovation progress on an annual basis. The first of the series for subsaharan africa was released in autumn 2015.
The 2015 16 stock market selloff was the period of decline in the value of stock prices globally that occurred between june 2015 to june 2016. Who who report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015. An estimated 26 million of them are women and adolescent girls of reproductive age. People across the globe sent a strong signal to those in power. The global agewatch index 2014 presents a unique snapshot of the situation of older people in 96 countries of the world today. Monitoring tenders helps new groups to participate in tenders and to increase government compliance. As globally recognized company design experts, team global index focuses on one thing that creating crystal clear brand identities. World health statistics 2015 contains whos annual compilation of healthrelated data for its 194 member states, and includes a summary of the progress made towards achieving the healthrelated millennium development goals mdgs and associated targets. Global rights was founded in washington dc, usa in 1978 with the name international human rights law group and changed its name to global rights.
Xlistentrybroadcaster addlistentrylistener function in interface draftscom. Global gender gap report 2015 world economic forum. Global go gold and precious metal miners index goaux the u. The global competitiveness report 20152016 weforum world. Christina faegri 20fao mexican politicsposc33701 01232014 class climate evaluation page 2 the instructor encouraged me to think critically. Transparency international the global anticorruption. It included the 2015 16 chinese stock market turbulence, in which the sse composite index fell 43% in just over 2 months between june 2015 and august 2015, which culminated in the devaluation of the yuan. State of world population 2015 unfpa united nations. Young, ageing, highageing and hyperageing countries in 2015, 2030 and 2050 figure 3. The countries affected most in 20 were the philippines, cambodia and india. Number and proportion of older people globally in 2015, 2030, 2050 figure 2. We see this in the increased efficiency of food systems and improvements in the. Insight report the global competitiveness report 20152016. This chart shows global right index 2015 by country global rights was an international human rights capacitybuilding nongovernmental organization.
The 2015 corruption perceptions index clearly shows that corruption remains a blight around the world. Ranking on the global innovation index of select countries, 200718. The global innovation index 2015 european commission. Globally, tablet ownership is surprisingly homogeneous by region. Global agewatch index domains and indicators figure 5. This chart shows the global pension index for the year 2015. The 2015 global peace index shows that the world is becoming increasingly divided with some countries enjoying unprecedented levels of peace and prosperity while others spiral further into. Global market index returns chronicles the annual returns of global stocks as measured by stock indexes the growing proliferation of indexes from index providers, along with a corresponding growing number of index funds and exchangetraded funds etfs, creates a number of issues for investors, since the index returns of the different providers result in a dispersion of both yearly and multi. There are few countries in southeast asia region vietnam, myanmar, cambodia, thailand, lao pdr, singapore, east timor and malaysia that are falling behind in the global open data movement, while others indonesia and philippines are advancing as members of open government partnership. Detailed scorecards for all the economies in the sample. The global competitiveness report 2014 2015 assesses the competitiveness landscape of 144 economies, providing insight into the drivers of their productivity and prosperity. The index is compiled on a quarterly basis using official government statistics or central bank data where available. The global gender gap index 2015 ranks 145 economies according to how well they are leveraging their female talent pool, based on economic, educational, healthbased and political indicators.
A statistical analysis of the state of peace in 162 countries outlining trends in peace and conflict, the economic cost of violence, and an assessment of the attitudes, structures and institutions that sustain peaceful societies. For the period from 1994 to 20 honduras, myanmar and. The global competitiveness report 20142015 is being launched at a time when the global economy seems to be finally leaving behind the worst and longest. For 11 years now, the fragile states index, created by the fund for peace and published by foreign policy, has taken stock of the years events, using 12 social, economic, and political indicators.
Creating healthy livesthe future of medical innovation. Global agewatch insights provides an overview of the progress being made in realising the right to health of older people around the world today. The gfxc has established a global index of public registers global index. Getting away with murder committee to protect journalists.
The world economic forums global competitiveness and risks team is pleased to. Oraclebase asynchronous delayed global index maintenance. Over the course of 2015 2017, well release a global corruption barometer accompanied by five regional surveys. The global competitiveness index 20152016 world economic. The global climate risk index 2015 analyses to what extent countries have been affected by the impacts of weatherrelated loss events storms, floods, heat waves etc. A data sources for the global hunger index components, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2015 b data underlying the calculation of the 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2015 global hunger index scores. Home package list routine alphabetical list global alphabetical list fileman files list fileman subfiles list package component. The index draws on work from the open contracting partnership. The gii is a source of insight into the multidimensional facets of innovationdriven growth. The global competitiveness report 2015 2016 iii partner institutes v preface xiii by richard samans the global competitiveness index xv 2015 2016 rankings part 1. Tables 15 report the rankings for the overall gci, the three subindexes, and their corresponding pillars. Highincome and developing countries alike are seeking innovationdriven growth through different strategies. The most recent data available from 20 and 199420 were taken into account.
Test questions came straight from lecture, so it encouraged you to go. The global innovation index is a leading reference for measuring an economys innovation performance. I would also like to express my appreciation to the united nations and the united nations university for hosting the briefing and global launch of the 20 global go to think tank index. Population ageing is transforming economies and societies across the world, placing new demands on health systems. The 2015 global peace index shows that the world is becoming increasingly divided with some countries enjoying unprecedented levels of. This report presents the 2015 edition of the global creativity index, or gci. The financing mechanisms, the workforce, the policies, the facilities and the medicine and equipment of health systems worldwide are struggling to adapt, particularly in low and middleincome countries. Due to the increasing amount of spam mail, i have to change this email address regularly. Among broadcaster sites who used ooyala discovery in march, lift generally. All graduated surveys fy 2016 05062016 class climate evaluation page 1 all graduated surveys fy 2016 no. A global index is a onetomany relationship, allowing one index partition to map to many table partitions. The report was designed, edited, and typeset by communications.
The global open data index assesses the state of open government data around the world. Mastercard global destination cities index 2015 global hub. Global combined sourcing and asaservice market insights. Between 20 and 2014, measures of fragility on this index worsened to some degree in 67 countries ffp, 2015. Kearney global cities 2015 identifies 16 elite cities based on their current performance and future potential beijing, in ninth position, continues in the top 10 of the global cities index. The global agewatch index will continue to evolve with the help and advice from international experts and the availability of additional, better data nationally and internationally. The 2015 global agewatch index has been constructed using the same methodology as for the inaugural 20 index, apart from changes to some of the data sources. Cpjs 2015 global impunity index spotlights countries where journalists are slain and the killers go free published october 8, 2015 elisabeth witchelcpj impunity campaign consultant the ambush of a convoy in south sudan and the hacking deaths of bloggers in bangladesh this year propelled the two nations onto cpjs global.
Contrary to a gdp ranking, the sustainable competitiveness score is based on scoring current performance data as well as performance trends increasedecrease over the past 5 years. The scores and rankings of the wjp open government index 2015 are constructed from 78 variables drawn from more than 100,000 household surveys and incountry expert questionnaires collected for the wjp rule of law index. Global video index q1 2015 6 lift is a related statistic, measuring discoverydriven plays as a percentage of organic video plays. Kearney global cities 2015 identifies 16 elite cities. The pain was the result of a few mistakes we made, and while we usually prefer to avoid disrupting conversations happening in the community, we wanted to talk about some of the thinking that led to the recent. Global go gold and precious metal miners index is designed to capture the performance of companies engaged in the production of precious metals and minerals either through active mining or production or passive owning royalties or production streams means. Global open data index by open knowledge toggle navigation. Welcome to the global open data index survey website. The report series remains the most comprehensive assessment of national competitiveness worldwide. Global innovation index creating healthy livesthe future. In 2015, global coverage with three doses of hepatitis b vaccine was 84%, and 39% of children received a dose at birth, which is necessary to prevent mothertochild transmission of this infection. For the press release and the full report, check out newsroom. Ann cairns, president international markets, mastercard, comments on this years mastercard global destinations cities index 2015.
Insight report 3 foreword the anticipated post 2015 development agenda. Nasdaq global indexes nasdaq global indexes has been creating innovative, marketleading, transparent indexes since 1971. It also explores the extent to which health systems are fit for purpose as the worlds population rapidly ages, and what changes can be made to ensure the right to health for all people regardless of age. This edition explores the impact of innovationoriented policies on economic growth and development. For additional information, please see about the index and methodology. Released jointly by wipo, cornell university, insead and its global innovation index 2015 edition knowledge partners, the. Univ fa15 combined all course report 01192016 class climate evaluation page 2 for this course, on average, how much time per week do you spend working on coursework e. Globally switzerland tops the 2015 index this year, while afghanistan remains in bottom place. More than 100 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. It highlights which countries are doing best for their older populations and how this links with policies towards pensions, health, education, employment and the social environment in which older people live. The global innovation index ranks the innovation performance of 141 countries and economies around the world, based on 79 indicators. According to this index, four countries are on very high alert, with south sudan at the top of the list, followed by somalia, central african republic and sudan.
The global hunger index ghi 2015 report the tenth in an annual series presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger and is jointly published by the international food policy research institute ifpri, concern worldwide and welthungerhilfe. The terms country, economy, and nation as used in this report do not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is a state as understood by international law. Asynchronous delayed global index maintenance for drop and truncate partition in oracle database 12c release 1. The 2014 global go to think tank index ggtti marks the eighth year of continued efforts by the think tanks and civil societies program ttcsp at the university of pennsylvania to acknowledge the important contributions and emerging global trends of think tanks worldwide.
The global creativity index 2015 martin prosperity institute. Open procurement data may enable fairer competition among companies, allow to detect fraud, as well as deliver better services for governments and citizens. Global open data index by open knowledge tracking the state. Global agewatch helping older people live full and. Today, our index offering spans geographies and asset classes and includes diverse families such as the dividend and income includes dividend achievers, dorsey wright, fixed income includes bulletshares, alphadex, global equity, green economy, nordic and.
The global open data index provides the most comprehensive snapshot available of the state of open government data publication compare countries ranked table and map views of participating countries. View of gender and international migration, from the slavery era to. This introduction to global agewatch index 2015 delves into the significance of the index in delivering the sustainable development goals and. The global health impact country index measures key drugs impact on these global health problems in each country and the total disability adjusted life years dalys saved that would be lost without treatment for these conditions. The continued success in global tobacco control is detailed in this years who report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015. Review of the global solar uv index 2015 workshop report. The global index acts as a central location that links the various participating public registers, providing a more comprehensive view of market participants commitment to good practices. Appendix 4 overall global creativity index rankings 53 appendix 5 global creative class rankings 58. Global gender gap report 2015 reports world economic forum. Global index web and brand graphics designing in kayamkulam. Based in kayamkulam, alappuzha district, kerala, global index was founded in 2005 by branding expert madhu kaleeckal. Dec 15, 2015 this blog post was written by hazwany jamaluddin from sinar project in malaysia.
The global findex database is the worlds most comprehensive data set on how adults save, borrow, make payments, and manage risk. The city that never sleeps is now deemed the 2015 youthful city of the year ranked the worlds most attractive, best. Capitaloutput ratio in china, by economic sector, 19902015. The state of open data in southeast asia open knowledge. Submissions for the 2016 edition of the index are now closed. The report outlines new findings on positive peace, highlighting its impact on peace, development and other important societal goals. With a decade of data, this edition of the global gender gap report first published in 2006 shows that while the world has made progress overall, stubborn inequalities remain. The dell global technology adoption index 2015 surveyed it and business decision makers of midmarket organizations around the world to uncover how they perceive, plan for and utilize four key technologies. Pension systems around the world, whether they be social security systems or private sector arrangements, are now under more pressure than ever before.
The gci is a broadbased measure for advanced economic. But 2015 was also a year when people again took to the streets to protest corruption. Ilocos global function ilocos global function ilocsvline constructor of the class ilocsvline ilocsvline class in group ncert. Return to article details gender and international migration, from the slavery era to the golden age download download pdf. Click on a country to view its agewatch country report card.
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